Tai Chi & Beginners Meditation Retreat
Ideal for beginners or experienced meditators. Join TCRC teachers and friends for a deep reset.
Service Description
Tai Chi & Beginners 1-Day Meditation Retreats are a profound introduction to both Tai Chi and Triple Crane Retreat Centers' approach to interdisciplinary spiritual practice. These retreats are great for new students as well as advanced meditators. Triple Crane's profound approach to Yoga & Meditation is open to using a variety of physical practices to support the movement into deep meditation, like yoga poses, gong fa, dance, tai chi, etc. At Triple Crane, this is referred to as the dynamic phase of practice. Join us for this retreat to see how the right use of dynamic exercise leads to deeper and more profound meditation. These 1-Day Meditation Retreats are a great introduction to people who are new to day-long meditation practices. New students can receive one-on-one guidance from Master level teachers at Triple Crane. These practices are also well suited for experienced meditators who want to go deeper by experiencing TCRC's unique use of active (Tai Chi and Yoga) and passive (meditation). Schedule for Sunday, April 14th 9:45 AM -Check-in 10:00 - 10:30 AM - Brief of To be dynamic/still and Meditation w/Master Hai 10:45 - 11:30 AM - Tai-Chi with Lisa 11:45 - 12:15 PM - Guided Sitting Meditation w/Master Hai 12:30 - 1:00 PM - Tai-Chi with Lisa 1:15 - 2:15 PM - Tea Ceremony, snack, and rest time w/Master Hai 2:15 - 2:45 PM - Tai-Chi with Lisa 3:00 - 3:30 PM - Guided Sitting Meditation w/Master Hai 3:45 - 4:15 PM - T’ai-Chi Practice w/ Lisa 4:30 - 4:45 PM - Closing Circle and song w/Master Hai and Lisa 4:45 PM - Check out (Optional Dharma Hall Tour)
Upcoming Sessions
7665 Werkner Rd,
Chelsea, MI 48118
Phone +1 (734) 757-8567
Cell: +1 (518) 417-9980 Master Hai (Winnie)
Email Office@TripleCraneRetreat.org
triple.crane@huayenworld.org 中文 Chinese
Triple Crane Retreat Center ( Huayen World Community of North America)
is a 501(c) (3) Religious Non-Profit registered with the IRS 81-1333438.
© Triple Crane Retreat Center | Joy By Design